Conference Announcement: Cool forests at risk?
On the occasion of the International Day of Forests 21 March 2018
Cool forests at risk?
The critical role of boreal and mountain ecosystems
for people, bioeconomy, and climate
17–20 September 2018, Laxenburg (near Vienna), Austria.
The International Boreal Forest Research Association is pleased to announce, in collaboration with the Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX), the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), and supported by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) the IBFRA18 “Cool forests at risk? The critical role of boreal and mountain ecosystems for people, bioeconomy, and climate” conference to be held in Laxenburg, Austria.
The event will focus on both boreal and high altitude forests. It will launch an initiative to raise awareness, maintain, and promote the multiple, critical values provided by those ecosystems.
Hosted by IIASA on 17-20 September 2018, the event will bring together and support the dialogue of academia and decision makers from policy, business, and civil society as the start of a collective effort to create solutions for a sustainable future for the earth system.
Sign up to be an Ambassador for Cool Forests and join the collective effort to work together to create solutions for a sustainable future for boreal and mountain ecosystems for people, bioeconomy, and our climate.